Todd F. Edwards
Theatrical Design and Production

Video Clips and Examples of my Sound Design Work.
Below you will find some clips of my design work. Enjoy!
(Note: If you fullscreen a clip it sometimes takes YouTube a moment to adjust for the best quality- please be patient). Thanks!
Lumberjacks in Love
Promo Video from Lyric Arts Mainstage
-Scenic Designer: Todd F. Edwards
Damn Yankees
Promo Video from Ordway Theater​
-Projection/Media Designer: Todd F. Edwards
Sherlock and the Adventures of the Sucide Club
Promo Video from Park Square Theatre​
-Projection/Media Designer: Todd F. Edwards
-NOTE- Some images changed from the creation of this video to the
opening performance.
Words By Ira Gershwin
Promo Video from Park Square Theatre​
-Projection/Media Designer: Todd F. Edwards
Eclipsed- Frank Theatre
This is a great clip about Frank Theatre and the production of Eclipsed. Shows my set being loaded into the Playwrights Center in Minneapolis.
33 Variations
Promo Video from Park Square Theatre​
-Projection/Media Designer: Todd F. Edwards
Promo Video from Park Square Theatre​
-Projection/Media Designer: Todd F. Edwards
Old School- Roll Drop and Slides
Return to the Forbidden Planet
Video clips of the cues showing the use of video effects and stopmotion animation to create the cue.
p16- Shuttle Launch.
p46- Death of Cthulhu.
Sylvia- Chameleon Theatre Circle
This clip shows the ending transition as we see the actor playing Sylvia transform into the dog Sylvia.
Selected clips from some of my sound designs.